Our Vision

IAAM is the manifestation of a word that was given to Bishop Rick August over a decade ago to prepare for organizational level ministry. In response to that word, Bishop August began to focus on ensuring that the concepts and precepts of church growth that he was employing were indeed documentable, transferrable, and of course, biblical. During his three decades of ministry, Bishop August has served in various capacities; a fact that provides him with a unique vantage point from which to view the challenges associated with church growth both numerically and spiritually.

IAAM is committed to operating in integrity and discretion to provide a place of accountability, while respecting the authority of the local pastor and the autonomy of the local church. Such trust is paramount if pastors are to thrive in today’s anti-Christ culture which continually highlights the negative aspects of religion as well as the shortcomings of those in church leadership. One of the goals of IAAM is to practice the biblical concept of restora- tion as referenced in Galatians 6, and modeled throughout the Scripture.

IAAM is a place of transparent, unified, fellowship where prayer, the Word, and evangelism are the focus. It is our belief that unity is essential to the success of any endeavor. The unity of the early church is chronicled at length in the Book of Acts, and is largely responsible for the miraculous manifestations that they experienced. We further believe that an environment that promotes open, honest dialogue among its constituent pastors will create an ambience conducive for revival.

What We Believe

We believe in the Apostles’ Doctrine; that the response to the question in Acts 2:37, “Men and brethren, what shall we do”, is still the same. Repent, baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you’ll receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

We believe that the Church is commissioned by Christ Jesus to do His work on the Earth. We believe that the Body of Christ is to be active in the community serving and loving others.

We believe in the importance of the fellowship of the saints. Hebrews 10:25 KJV, says that we ought not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. We believe that through fellowship with others we as the people of God are able to build up and encourage one another.




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